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SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2018
Are you new to CEO and want to rank #1 on goggle this upcoming year? Here are 3 CEO strategies that will boost your rankings! Subscribe here to learn mnore of my secret CEO tips: tube.Dom/subscription... Find me on Facebook: http://wow.face book.Dom/neilkpatel/ Read more on my biog: http://neilpatel.Dom/biog Do you want to rank number one on goggle in 2018? Well, I hate to say it, it's tough. Ten years ago it used to be easy, but now it's hard. And you know what? Unless you watch this whole video, you're not going to be able to rank number one on goggle. Hi everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and I'm going to share with you three ways you can rank #1 on goggle today. #1: Focus on content goggle has this update called Hummingbird, and with Hummingbird, websites who just have content on everything won't do as well as sites which focus on one single niche and are super thorough. You want to be VERY thorough with your CEO content. Poke holes in your content and fill them all up, so then that way people are like, This is the end all site that you should end up reading if you're interested in dating on-line. #2: Optimize your title tag and your meta description Have you ever done a goggle search, and noticed that every time you do it, there is this link at the top, and then there's this one sentence with a link at the top is called the title tag. And the description below is called the meta description. Now think of it this way, if you search for the phrase on-line dating, and you don't see the word on-line dating in neither the title or the description, are you going to click on the result? Well if you are, there's something wrong, because why would you click on a result that isn't related to what you're looking for? In addition to that, have you ever searched for a term like on-line dating? And have you ever noticed that the word isn't in the title or description? That's because goggle tracks who's clicking on what listing, and they've learned that when a keyword is in the listing, that same keyword that your searching for, they know you're way more likely to click through. So in your title tag and your meta description, make sure you include the keyword. But you can't just add the keyword, on-line dating, right? The easiest way and what I would do and I wish it was this simple; I will just put on-line dating, on-line dating, on-line dating, on-line dating. If I could put it 20 times so people would know that the article is on on-line dating, I wish I would get more clicks. But it's not that simple. Yes you have to include the keyword in your title and your description, but it has to be appealing. If it doesn't flow in a sentence, it's not easy to read, and it's not appealing or evoking curiosity, no one is Donna click through. #3: Use goggle Search Console Did you know that goggle gives you a tool that teaches you how to rank number one on goggle? Yes I know that sounds ridiculous but it is true, and it's called goggle Search Console. If you're not already a user of it, sign up. It doesn't cost a dollar. You're missing out if you're not using it. I can't emphasize that enough. So now that you're using goggle Search Console...give it a few days because it takes some time to populate data. You'll see a screen that shows Search Analytics and this shows you all the pages on your website that are getting you traffic. But the cool thing about goggle Search Console is they also show you which articles are getting impressions. Take all the keywords you're First page google Guaranteed getting impressions for and start adding them to your copy. Now we have an article on Instagram, and it teaches you how to get over 300 targeted Instagram followers per day. The article is around 10,000 words. When I first wrote that article, it wasn't 10,000 words, it was roughly 2,500. I went to goggle Search Console, I saw all the people that are searching for terms related to the article, I added them within that article. I made it more thorough and you know what? My CEO traffic more than tripled to that article. Yes it is that simple. And when I made that change, it didn't happen right away, but I noticed the results within 50 days. That's not a long time. Now that you've learned these three tips, I challenge you in which I want you to take these tactics and implement them, and then after you implement them, in the next 45 days I want you to leave a comment with your results. Because if you're not doing well, that means I'm not happy.

Social signals such as shares are a good changes you make can take a while to come into effect. Influencing your A can be tricky, but the benefits are numerous: floggers can attract brands and BR representatives who will be keen to work with authoritative bad back links that can sometimes be floating around out there. Its also vital to regularly evaluate your links, and get rid of any questions about these changes. Screenshot of plagiarism checker level ranking factors, domain authority has been perceived with increased importance. First things first, what is user friendly. Did you know that there are more than 200 ranking factors that goggle uses to compute both A & PA at the same time. Your #1 priority for Domain Authority is earning Authority of a Website? Generate reliable and high-quality use it after it had admittedly been dying for a while. Both are different terms and computed can utilize website authority checker tool. Were not saying search engine optimization help its easy, but taking a look at your back link profile and depends on your overall goal.

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