Some Basic Tips On Recognising Primary Criteria For

It may be one of the world's most heavily militarized borders, but the DMZ welcomes more than 1.2 million travelers each year, according to the Korea Tourism Organization. CNN Travel explains how to visit the DMZ, what you should know before going and the likely fate of the zone should South Korea and North Korea finally broker a formal peace. South Korean soldiers stand guard at the border village of Panmunjom. Carl Court/Getty Images AsiaPac/Getty Images When imagining the 2.5-mile-wide DMZ, the first image that comes to mind is often the Joint Security Area (JSA), also known as the Panmunjom truce area. It's easily identifiable by the vibrant blue Military Armistice Commission Conference Room, which straddles the Military Demarcation Line. Surprisingly quiet, the JSA has been called "haunting" and "unsettling" due in part to barbed wire fences and steely military personnel. Bill Clinton, who visited in 1993, famously called it the "scariest place on earth." "Panmunjom is the most-visited part of the DMZ, from both sides," says Simon Cockerell, managing director of Koryo Tours, which organizes independent travel to North Korea. "This is where you can see the front line up close, and even cross it within (the conference room)." “It can be confusing to go to the 'front line' and find all things calm, despite the rhetoric” But that's just one part of the DMZ experience. In South Korea, the atmosphere varies widely from site to site, from quiet deference at JSA to the bustling Dora Observatory. There is even a theme park built in Imjingak Nuri Peace Park, just outside the DMZ on the South Korea side, which may feel at odds with the area's somber history. "While there's tension there all the time, it's not the case to say that it is on a knife edge or anything like that," says Cockerel.
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Logical Methods For Broken Down

The United States has always taken a tougher approach. Last year it banned US passport holders from travelling to North Korea, with exemptions for humanitarian and media work. And now it’s stepped up its warning with some scary new language. It’s possible for many travellers to venture inside Kim Jong-un’s enigmatic country — but they’re advised against it. Picture: AFP/Ed JonesSource:AFP The US State Department warned Americans this month to start planning their funeral and write a will if they wanted to proceed with plans to holiday in the hermit kingdom. In the midst of escalating nuclear tensions between North Korea and the US , the State Department kicked up its travel warning to the rouge nation to advisory level 4 — “do not travel” — which is the most serious warning on the scale. And as part of that level 4 warning, the State Department suggested travellers with special dispensation to travel to North Korea — and perhaps those planning to head there anyway — heed the following sobering advice. “Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney,” the State Department said on its recently updated website. Photograph released by North Korea’s regime shows Pyongyang residents greet officers of the Hwasong-15 missile test launch in Pyongyang on December 8. Picture: AFP PHOTO/KCNA VIA KNSSource:AFP It also said travellers should “discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc.” As far as travel warnings go, this is pretty grim. Like Australia, the US doesn’t have an embassy in North Korea and if trouble arises, its citizens have to seek the protective power of the Swedish embassy in Pyongyang.
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